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Professional Heated Vacuum Table

$1,799.00 $1,529.15

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Model 603: Suction and heated industrial ironing board, preset for installation of suction, heated ironing shape. Owing to powerful and uniform suction of working surface the model 603 allows to get perfect and quick drying of fabric by improving greatly the quality of ironing. After ergonomic precise tests the comfort of the operator is better so reduced waiting times improve working output. Model 603 manufactured following new european rules is equipped with a safety thermostat applied to heating element of working surface against higher temperature in case of failure. The strength and reliability of model 603 makes it a specially qualified instrument for laundries, dressmakers and tailors shops, hotels etc. 


Arm supporting shape, Ironing shape, Antenna supporting iron steam tube, Valve for deviation of suction from working surface to shape, copling for mod 370-371 steam generators and Mod 300 Steam generators.